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What is Memory Care?

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women being read to in memory care facility

Memory care, refers to specialized communities and programs designed to meet the unique needs of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Memory care aims to provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment that allows residents to maintain as much independence as possible.

Memory care programs typically feature:

  • Secure, dementia-friendly living spaces
  • Custom & personalized activities and life enrichment programs
  • Specially trained caregivers
  • A daily routine and schedule that is consistent and easy to follow
  • Nutritious meals with help for residents who need assistance eating
  • Supervision and assistance with activities of daily living and personal care
  • Integration of Physician, Rehabilitation, and ancillary medical care services

How to Know When it’s Time for Memory Care
The best time to consider a memory care residence is when safety becomes a concern for your loved one at home. Some early-stage signs it may be time:

  • Familiar surroundings are no longer familiar or wandering behavior
  • Difficulty performing everyday tasks independently
  • Changes in hygiene, self-care and control of bladder or bowels
  • Increased agitation, confusion, or abnormal behaviors
  • Frequently repeating questions or stories
  • Cognitive impairment such as the Inability to recognize family members, friends or remember names

Reminder: You should also speak with your healthcare provider or geriatric assessment center to receive a proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options. Memory care facilities provide a safe environment and specialized care that can help slow the progression of symptoms and maintain quality of life.

We hope this overview provides a helpful starting point for understanding memory care and deciding if it may be right for a loved one living with dementia. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions!

Mayo Clinic –
Alzheimer’s Association –

Written by Fountain View at Logan Square

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