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Fountain View’s $25M Renovation Featured in Philadelphia Business Journal

Fountain View at Logan Square at Dusk

Fountain View, formerly The Watermark, a 24-story senior living building in Philadelphia’s Logan Square neighborhood, is in the midst of a $25 million renovation. After being recently purchased by Tryko Partners, the building has been rebranded as Fountain View at Logan Square, a continuing care retirement community offering residents luxurious amenities with an emphasis on […]

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What is Memory Care?

women being read to in memory care facility

Memory care, refers to specialized communities and programs designed to meet the unique needs of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Memory care aims to provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment that allows residents to maintain as much independence as possible. Memory care programs typically feature: How to Know When it’s Time […]

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Focus On Wellness: Maintain & Improve Brain Health  

Seniors laughing in the park

Staying Engaged and Preventing Illness   The Penn Memory Center at the University of Pennsylvania states that some changes to cognition and memory are normal parts of aging. However, a healthy lifestyle can not only maintain but can even improve brain health.   So what are the best ways to promote brain health and preserve cognition? Are […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Assisted Living and Personal Care in Pennsylvania 

Assisted Living and Personal Care in PA

When the time comes to explore the different types of senior living options for your loved ones, the process can be quite overwhelming. Assisted Living and Personal Care offer several possibilities, but how do you find the perfect fit that caters to their needs? Use this in-depth guide for tips on selecting the right personal […]

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